This was one of the last kinds of tree to die out on Mars. The large trunk stored up plenty of water in the increasingly dry conditions.
Ink in sketchbook. Initial sketch done in Col-Erase Carmine Red (and looked much better!) Copic F01 drawing pen, Zebra super fine sign pen, water brushes with mid-tone and black washes.
I am an animator and aspiring story artist with varied experience in both 2D hand-drawn and 3D CGI charater animation. Lately I've been painting as well. I just love telling stories through visual art!
In my previous life I was a microelectronics circuit design engineer for IBM in Burlington, VT. I don't miss the work (most of the time) but I definitely miss the mountains and snow!
I live just outside Dallas in Mckinney, TX with my wife Stacey and son Ian.
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